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Outdoor Bonspiel a Success!

The Superior Curling Club in conjunction with the Lake Superior Ice festival held an 8-team outdoor bonspiel on Saturday January 25th. Two days before the event, Keane Busche, Jimbo Seitz, Don Coe, Dave Johnson (not a club member) and Mike O'Brien spent a chilly afternoon preparing two sheets of ice for curling.

Curling started with the first draw at 10 AM. All games were 4 ends which kept things moving along quickly. During the second draw, it started snowing furiously as shown in one of the pictures below. It was quickly discovered that it didn't take much snow to stop a rock in its tracks. The wind was building up snow drips next to rocks in the house and there were times that snow was being shoveled off the ice between throws.

The snow was short lived and the bonspiel continued with everyone having a great time. It was real interesting to see the wide variety of delivery styles from the traditional slide to the stick delivery to the "superman" (slide on your stomach) delivery.

The main event featured Otzi's Children (Joey Bonfoey, Ron Bichler, Mike Kolb and Duane Rutan) defeating I thought we signed up for golf! (Mark Vaughan, Keith Wiley, Ken Matheson and Sara Lopez). In the B event team Schlater (Eden Schlater, Henry Schlater, Amber Schlater and Samuel Schlater) were victorious over Team Scar (Hayley, Erika, Eric and Dana).

We look forward to our next outdoor bonspiel in January of 2026 (weather permitting).

Putting in Ice 01      Putting in Ice 02

               Putting in the Ice


 Bonspiel 01

Bonspiel 04

Bonspiel 05

                                            Games in Progress

Bonspiel 02

Bonspiel 03

                                  Participant Group Photos


Thanks to Our Sponsors!

Upcoming Events

13 Mar 2025;
06:00PM - 10:00PM
League Curling
14 Mar 2025;
05:00PM - 09:00PM
Mixed Doubles Championship
15 Mar 2025;
Mixed Doubles Championship
16 Mar 2025;
01:00PM - 02:00PM
Little Rockers Instruction
16 Mar 2025;
02:00PM - 03:30PM
Junior Curling

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Info

Superior Curling Club
PO Box 565, Superior, WI 54880

[email protected] 

Ice Location


4700 Tower Ave
Superior, WI 54880


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Mission Statement

Our mission at the Superior Curling Club is to promote the spirit of curling for all past, present and future members, as well as our curling spectators. 


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